Follistatin 344 Genheal




Product Description: Follistatin 344 Genheal

Follistatin 344 Genheal is a cutting-edge peptide that has gained significant popularity among bodybuilders and athletes seeking to enhance their performance and achieve their fitness goals. This product offers a range of benefits, including increased muscle growth, improved strength, and enhanced recovery.

Specific Details and Characteristics

  • Follistatin 344 Genheal is a synthetic peptide derived from the naturally occurring protein follistatin.
  • It works by binding to and inhibiting myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth.
  • This peptide is highly purified and formulated to ensure maximum potency and effectiveness.
  • It is produced using advanced technology and undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure its purity and safety.
  • Follistatin 344 Genheal is available in a convenient lyophilized powder form, making it easy to store and use.


  • Significantly increases muscle growth and development.
  • Enhances strength and power, allowing for more intense workouts.
  • Accelerates recovery and reduces muscle soreness after intense training sessions.
  • Promotes lean muscle mass and reduces body fat.
  • Improves overall athletic performance and endurance.

Possible Side Effects

While Follistatin 344 Genheal is generally well-tolerated, it is important to be aware of potential side effects. These may include:

  • Temporary joint pain or stiffness
  • Mild headaches
  • Water retention
  • Increased appetite

If any adverse effects occur, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Usage, Administration, and Dosage for Bodybuilders

Follistatin 344 Genheal is typically administered through subcutaneous injections. The recommended dosage for bodybuilders is 100-200 mcg per day, divided into multiple injections. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or experienced trainer to determine the most suitable dosage and administration schedule based on individual goals and needs.

Indications and Contraindications

Follistatin 344 Genheal is indicated for use by adult individuals who are looking to enhance their muscle growth, strength, and overall athletic performance. However, it is important to note that this product is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing women, or those with known medical conditions. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or medication.

Why Buy from

When purchasing Follistatin 344 Genheal, it is crucial to choose a reliable and reputable source. Here are some reasons why you should buy this product from our website,

  • We offer genuine and high-quality products that undergo strict quality control measures.
  • Our website provides detailed product information, ensuring you make an informed decision.
  • We prioritize customer satisfaction and offer excellent customer service.
  • Secure and discreet packaging is guaranteed to protect your privacy.
  • Fast and reliable shipping options are available to ensure timely delivery.

By choosing, you can have confidence in the authenticity and quality of Follistatin 344 Genheal, allowing you to maximize your fitness potential and achieve your desired results.


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